Sunday, August 17, 2008

Life in Mumbai Lifeline

What is the fastest way of inculcating the habit of 'not giving up easily'? Readers may have their own opinions but I can bet my bottom dollar that it has to be the experience of traveling in the lifeline of Mumbai, the local train during office hours on weekdays along the traffic (towards Churchgate in the morning and towards Borivalli in the evening) in 2nd class compartment. More than 350 people stuffed into a compartment of capacity say 100. At times, it takes more than 5 minutes to go to the gate on the other side of the train. Having said so, it is not difficult to understand the logic behind the second statement of this post. :D
Not only that, you also learn several other important attributes like ‘fight to survive', 'struggle', ' make your own way'...and the list goes on and on. Recently yours truly also had the experience of traveling in such a 'learning environment' daily. Fortunately, yours truly is a fast learner and gets accustomed to new things very soon :P
On weekdays, even the first class compartment offers you little solace. No doubt, there is always lesser crowd in it. But the two most important advantages are:

1. The probability of finding your wallet at its suitable place is more as compared to 2nd class compartment and

2. At the end of your journey, your olfactory system feels lesser burden.
And take it from me- the last advantage is the biggest of them all. :P
But then this is only one side of the coin. Locals in Mumbai are not only cheap; they also save a lot of time. If you need to travel say 50 kms, local may save up to say 2 hours on any working day. Also, locals seldom get delayed by more than 5 minutes.
In a city like Mumbai, where nothing comes easy and where it takes hell lot of struggle for most of the people to keep the wolf at door, traveling in local is almost a necessity. To people like me, it not only gives a chance to witness different colors of life (and appreciate God for such a wonderful life I have been blessed with) but also a confidence to deal with not so good situations with a smile on my face. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so this is quite an experience!

well captured n well written !