Friday, April 18, 2008

IITian for you

Look at the pic is of the answer sheet for mid term examination. The total marks for the exam were 25. The guy didn't know even the name of the subject and still scored 24 marks... ain't it incredible? :P :D ;P :)


Shiva said...

the person must be a genius...
or must be the biggest fool

checkout my blogs

Comfortably Numb said...

Thats the irony.....that people like me who only know the name of the subject always flunk...and people who know everything about the subject apart from its name score 24 on 25 :P


CRD said...

haha. mebbe he didnt know the subject name

but i guess he knew the subject matter veryy WELL! no? [:P]

my inner world said...

thats really hilarious:)
must be really a lucky fellow !!

tejuvinay said...

looooooooooooooooooooooooollllll !!!!!

broca's area said...

is he lucky or the person who corrected it is a fool??? ..[same thing happens to us when we write our ophthalmology exam ..many spell it incorrectly]

Viraj said...

@shiva - i intended to project him as genius :P

@crd - i too hope so...but u never know what wonders can team work and cooperation produce? :P

i guess i hav already given enuf hint for others :P